
Watch Notification System - v 2023.09.5

Finally got my alerts working, so when a host goes haywire I get an alert on the Phone and Cloud, with E-Mail as backup. and are meant to run a few times per hour and send alerts if watch thresholds are exceeded.

  • - Usually runs on one host and monitors other hosts, using a normal user ssh tunnel.
  • - Usually runs on each host as root.

When any new file is uploaded into the new alert user space, an entry will be written to the Conversation with the name and link to that file.

On your Phone you can install NextCloud Talk, log in as the new alert user and recieve notifications. Bonus: Your watch will alert you too!

On your Phone you can install NextCloud Sync, log in as the new alert user and read notification files.

  • Here is the file structure:
├── alert
   ├── vm5.util.20230822112005.uploaded
   └── vm7.util.20230822130010.uploaded
├── db
   ├── db-18.1.40
   └── readme
├── log
   ├── cloud.log.0
   ├── cloud.log.1.gz
├── nbs
   ├── db.c
   ├── db.o
   ├── INSTALL
   ├── Makefile
   └── ...
├── nbs.tar
├── readme
├── retail
   ├── Makefile
   ├── retail
   ├── retail.c
   └── ...
├── retail.tar
├── status
   ├── apache-error
   ├── apache-error.db.cnt
   ├── apache-error.db.idx
   ├── apache-error.db.rec
   ├── apache-error.db.upd
   ├── apache-error_new.txt

├── watch
   ├── hosts.txt
   ├── config.txt
   └── df.vm7


  • Download

Copy all files to ~/watch, or whatever directory you like, just change this documents' references of /home/bob to your directory.

Delete any lines in files /etc/issue and /etc/ as they will interfere with function monitors doing ssh into a host causing alerts every time.

Files: /etc/issue, /etc/

$ sudo -i
$ > /etc/issue
$ > /etc/


Create config directory structure:

$ mkdir -p ~/.config/watch

Create config file:

File: ~/.config/watch/config.txt

export CLOUD_USER=<nextcloud user>
export CLOUD_PASS="<nextcloud password>
export CLOUD_DIR=alert
export CLOUD_SERVER=""
export CLOUD_LOG=/home/bob/watch/log/cloud.log
export LOCAL_DIR=/home/bob/watch
export SSH_USER=bob
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.18.1/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • Make sure the LOCAL_DIR/alert exists
$ mkdir -p ${LOCAL_DIR}/alert
  • Make sure CLOUD_LOG is writeable
$ touch ${CLOUD_LOG}
  • Create an hosts.txt list of hosts to monitor

File: ~/.config/watch/hosts.txt

# Host   ssh    Remote   Remote
#        Port   Script   Home
# ------ ------ -------- -----------------------
vm1      223    0        /home/bob
vm2      224    1        /home/data/bob
# Remote Script: 1=run moniter script that is on remote machine 
#                0=run monitor script on local, through ssh tunnel

Schedule in cron

i.e.: every 20 minutes

File: /etc/cron.d/alert

# Run the alert analysis
*/20 * * * * root /home/bob/watch/

Copy ssh keys to remote

If remote monitoring is desired;

  • Generate and copy the linux ssh keys.
$ ssh-key-gen
$ ssh-copy-id <remote hosts>

Alert Functions

This is a seperate file for each functional alert, and sometimes host.

Remote Hosts need their own config file(s)

  • On the Remote Host(s):
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/watch

Example of df functional monitor. Each script will describe it's own.

File: ~/.config/monitor/df.

Usage-Percent-Limit   File-System        Mount-Point
34                       "/dev/mmcblk1p2"   "/"
38                       "/dev/mmcblk1p1"   "/boot/firmware" 
16                       "/dev/md0"         "/mnt/raid1"


dnf=RedHat; apt=Debian

$ sudo dnf install pcp cockpit-pcp python3-pcp # default from cockpit web install
$ sudo apt install pcp cockpit-pcp python3-pcp # default from cockpit web install
#   - Systemd Services:
#     pmcd.service
#     pmlogger.service
#     pmie.service
#     pmproxy.service
$ sudo dnf install pcp-export-pcp2json         # pcp2json
$ sudo apt install pcp-export-pcp2json         # pcp2json
#     Debian 11 may need to add;
#      File: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unstable.list
#       deb unstable main
#     Also may need to run: pip install requests
$ sudo dnf install pcp-system-tools            # pmrep
$ sudo dnf install jq                          # json parser
$ sudo apt install jq                          # json parser
$ sudo dnf install jc                          # json commands
$ sudo apt install jc                          # json commands
$ sudo dnf install ncdu                        # Text-based disk usage viewer
$ sudo apt install ncdu                        # Text-based disk usage viewer
$ sudo dnf install nmon                        # Text-based system utilization viewer
$ sudo apt install nmon                        # Text-based system utilization viewer

Default is to send an e-mail if limits are exceeded

To stop E-Mail, add a SEND_MAIL export to the config.txt file.

  • 0 = NO
  • 1 = YES

File: ~/.config/watch/config.txt

export SEND_MAIL=0

NextCloud Flow Notifications

  • Create new alert user in NextCloud
  • Add the NextCloud server as SERVER in ~/.config/watch/config.txt
  • Add the NextCloud user as CLOUD_USER in ~/.config/watch/config.txt
  • Add the NextCloud user's password as CLOUD_PASS in ~/.config/watch/config.txt

  • As the new alert user in NextCloud;

  • Go to Talk
    • Create a new group Conversation
  • Go to Files and create a new alert directory
    • Add it as the CLOUD_DIR to ~/.config/watch/config.txt
  • Go to Personal Settings > Flow
    • Add a new flow Write to conversasion (blue)
    • When: File created
    • and: File size (upload) is greater than 0 MB
    • -> Write to conversasion using the
      • Conversation created above


This is used to save off several copies of the last process sending alerts to the NextCloud server.

The logs are better viewed using the lnav Linu package. lnav ~/watch/log/

This is released on many OS packages, but not all, so it is included here. Thanks very much to the original authors!

Reference: - Log Watcher

This script runs as root on each node to search for Never Before Seen (NBS) entries in a log file. It needs to be scheduled in cron.

The flow is:

  1. cron runs

File: /etc/cron.d/logwatcher

# Log - Watcher
# Run Log watcher
*/20 * * * * bob  /home/bob/watch/ 
  1. reads config file ~/.config/watch/logwatch.\<hostname>

File: logwatch.vm7

# File: logwatch.vm7
#           DB                      File                               Alert  Email          Filter 
# ------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ------ ------ -----------------------------------#
apache-access                /var/log/apache2/access.log               N      Y
apache-error                 /var/log/apache2/error.log                Y      Y
apache-other_vhosts_access   /var/log/apache2/other_vhosts_access.log  Y      Y
  1. New lines in File are read by retail, filtered by any and all Filters supplied.
  2. DB is checked if this has been seen before and can be ignored.
  3. Any remainging lines are sent to the alert directory and an Email sent, if Y in config.txt.
  4. A sync for new alert files is done, sending new files to the cloud (NextCloud).
  5. NextCloud will send a Talk alert to the CLOUD_USER for new files. These are viewable on a Phone or Watch, if running the Talk app.

The following software packages have to be installed and compiled locally:

Refer to the script for instructions.


Trouble Resolution

armv7l Debian 10

The pmlogger systemd daemon had issues being installed, and the following log instructions solved it.

Aug 08 11:07:39 systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Control pmlogger (the performance metrics logger for PCP)...
Aug 08 11:07:43 pmlogger[913]: /etc/init.d/pmlogger: Warning: Performance Co-Pilot archive logger(s) not permanently enabled.
Aug 08 11:07:43 pmlogger[913]:     To enable pmlogger, run the following as root:
Aug 08 11:07:44 pmlogger[913]:          update-rc.d -f pmlogger remove
Aug 08 11:07:44 pmlogger[913]:          update-rc.d pmlogger defaults 94 06

